The ROHP-PAZ international scientific team is composed by the following scientists, chaired by Dr. Cardellach. The members are listed in alphabetical order:
Adriano Camps
(UPC, Spain)Lidia Cucurull
(NOAA, USA)Manuel de la Torre Juárez
(NASA/JPL, USA)David R. Ector
(UCAR, USA)Kent B. Lauritsen
(DMI, Denmark)Marcelino Manso
(AEMET, Spain)Evangelina Oriol-Pibernat
(ESA until 2010)Bill Schreiner
(UCAR, USA)Sergey Sokolovskiy
(UCAR, USA)Stig Syndergaard
(DMI, Denmark)Francisco J. Tapiador
(UCLM, Spain)Jens Wickert
(GFZ, Germany)Florian Zus
(GFZ, Germany)